The Epistle (5/17/24)
Scroll all the way to the bottom to see this week's Quote from Church History and download it as a smartphone wallpaper!
Lost and Found
Please check the Lost and Found bin under the coat rack in the narthex. All items that have not been claimed will be donated on Monday, May 20th.
RSVPs Request for Missionary Lunch with Dean Short
Sunday, May 19th
Dean Short, a Cornerstone supported EFCA/ReachGlobal missionary, will be with us on Sunday, May 19 with two great opportunities to connect. First, Dean will be teaching an Adult Sunday School lesson in the Bereans class (Fellowship Hall). Then, following church service, please join Dean for an update and lunch in the Adelphos Room on plans to transition from Cyprus to a new opportunity in the region. Contact Joellen Binder using the button below by SATURDAY 1PM to join for Sunday lunch.
Vacation Bible School (VBS): Volunteer Sign Up
We plan on hosting Vacation Bible School this year on August 5th-9th, 9:30am-12:00pm. Please let Ursula know how you can serve during the week. Thanks for serving and helping to share the gospel with our kids!
Prayer Meeting
Sunday, May 19th, 6:00-7:00pm
Please join us as we gather to pray together for our congregation, our community, and our world on Sunday, May 19th, from 6:00-7:00 PM in the sanctuary.
Church Picnic
Sunday, June 2, 12:30-2:00pm
Everyone is invited to celebrate with the church family on June 2nd, 12:30pm, as the school year comes to a close. Cornerstone will provide the main dish. Please bring a side that would feed about 10 people, and would go well with a picnic: salad, baked beans, chips and dip, dessert, etc. Tents, tables, and chairs will be set-up, but feel free to bring a picnic blanket!
In addition to the picnic, the Preschool, 3rd and 4th, as well as 6th Grade children will be promoted, and Sunday School teachers will be celebrated. Are you available to help us set -up? Please talk with Cristin Perry, Deacon for Fellowship.
In addition to the picnic, the Preschool, 3rd and 4th, as well as 6th Grade children will be promoted, and Sunday School teachers will be celebrated. Are you available to help us set -up? Please talk with Cristin Perry, Deacon for Fellowship.
Grad Night
Sunday, June 9th, 6:00pm
Join us June 9th at 6pm for Grad Night in the Fellowship Hall! This night is a special time to be able to celebrate and encourage our graduating seniors as they transition into the next phase of life. We will be catering dinner for this event and will have a donation basket to help cover the cost as well as raise funds for the upcoming trip to Challenge.
Missions Corner
Unreached within Reach will conduct a three day/evening training June 19-22, 2024 at Centreville Baptist Church. This is an incredible opportunity for training, preparation and prayer before being sent out to reach members of our Fairfax community who have not heard the full Gospel. More information is available at the link below.
Children's Ministry Update
Quotes from Church History
"We are neither the first nor the smartest to read the Bible."
-Dane Ortlund
Jesus alone can fill up the empty places of our inward man. Jesus alone can give solid, lasting, enduring happiness. The peace that he imparts is a fountain, which, once set flowing within the soul, flows on to all eternity."
-J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)
-J.C. Ryle (1816-1900)
Posted in The Epistle