This Week in Children's Ministries
Children in the Worship Service
There's no better place for a child to be, than at church with their family, and that includes being in the Worship service!
We just graduated 7 kindergarteners into the Worship service until the sermon starts, and ten 4th and 5th Graders are now joining us for the entire time. These transitions can be difficult, but take heart! With their parents' consistency, direction, and patience, children learn to worship alongside their church family, and it is a beautiful thing to see.
Take a look at this blog from Truth78 for helpful tips and inspiration, and also talk with seasoned parents in our congregation for their advice.
We just graduated 7 kindergarteners into the Worship service until the sermon starts, and ten 4th and 5th Graders are now joining us for the entire time. These transitions can be difficult, but take heart! With their parents' consistency, direction, and patience, children learn to worship alongside their church family, and it is a beautiful thing to see.
Take a look at this blog from Truth78 for helpful tips and inspiration, and also talk with seasoned parents in our congregation for their advice.
Spotlight on 4th-6th Grade Sunday School Class:
The 4th-6th graders will be engaging with challenging apologetics this year. We will learn lots about making a case for God while simultaneously studying his word and learning to love him more. Where? In the Ed Building from 9:30-10:30. Join us!
The 4th-6th graders will be engaging with challenging apologetics this year. We will learn lots about making a case for God while simultaneously studying his word and learning to love him more. Where? In the Ed Building from 9:30-10:30. Join us!
Spotlight on the Parenting Forum
We had a short and sweet first week at the Parenting Forum! This class will be very engaging and discussion oriented. The book "Parenting" by Paul David Tripp is a transformative book for your heart and mind, and will help to steer you, (or reorient you, if you have been parenting for a while) in a Christ-centered direction. Join us!
We meet in the Ed Building, top floor, close to the playground, from 9:30-10:30. Join us!
We had a short and sweet first week at the Parenting Forum! This class will be very engaging and discussion oriented. The book "Parenting" by Paul David Tripp is a transformative book for your heart and mind, and will help to steer you, (or reorient you, if you have been parenting for a while) in a Christ-centered direction. Join us!
We meet in the Ed Building, top floor, close to the playground, from 9:30-10:30. Join us!
Posted in Children