The Epistle (06/07/24)
Scroll all the way to the bottom to see this week's Quote from Church History and download it as a smartphone wallpaper!
Grad Night
Sunday, June 9th, 6:00pm Fellowship Hall
Join us June 9th at 6pm for Grad Night in the Fellowship Hall! This night is a special time to be able to celebrate and encourage our graduating seniors as they transition into the next phase of life. We will be catering dinner for this event and will have a donation basket to help cover the cost as well as raise funds for the upcoming trip to Challenge.
Children & Youth Sunday School Summer Break
June 16th to August 11th
Beginning on Sunday, June 16, our normal Children’s and Youth Sunday School classes (Kindergarten and up) as well as Kids’ Worship will be taking a break for the summer (June 16-August 11). This is an opportunity to give our volunteers and families a well-deserved rest! Nursery and Pre-K will continue to be available every weekend. There will also be another option during the Sunday School hour, there will be more details available about this opportunity next week. We will resume normal Children’s and Youth Sunday School classes and Kids’ Worship on August 18!
Music Director Position
As Jeff explained at Monday's business meeting, we continue to pray for the Lord to fill our part-time Music Director position. Pastor John's cover letter and the job description are attached below. Please forward it along to anyone you may think is interested. Applicants can contact of the Church office for more information.
Announcements from Assist Pregnancy Center
Click below to view an update and announcements from our ministry partners at Assist Pregnancy Center!
Vacation Bible School (VBS) Registration
We will be hosting Vacation Bible School this year on August 5th-9th, 9:30am-12:00pm. Registration is open! You can register your kids (K-4th) for VBS using the link below!
Vacation Bible School (VBS) Volunteer Sign Up
We plan on hosting Vacation Bible School this year on August 5th-9th, 9:30am-12:00pm Please let Ursula know how you can serve during the week. Thanks for serving and helping to share the gospel with our kids!
Young Life Scholarship
June 30th to July 5th
Young Life Camp is about faith, fun, and fellowship. Support YL Eastern Fairfax and help send local teens on an unforgettable six day camp trip of uncontrollable laughter, deepening friendships, magnificent facilities, and terrific teaching about the Savior's search and sacrifice for them. Young Life and Vida Joven (YL in Spanish) will be going to camp together at Lake Champion June 30-July 5. YoungLives (teen moms and babies) will attend Rockbridge July 13-17. The majority of our students need a scholarship to attend.
Sudanese Outreach - 5th Annual Children and Youth Conference
Jun 22, 2024, Start at 10am
Jun 22, 2024, Start at 10am
The Sudanese African Fellowship- Children Ministry is organizing the 5th annual Children and Youth Conference at Cornerstone Church.
God Is Love
1 John 4:8
Our Conference is geared towards the evangelism of the young souls, creating for them a conducive environment to encounter Jesus.
Missions Corner
Ted & Juli Kautzmann with ProMETA will be joining our church family on June 22-23 to share about ProMETA. ProMETA exists to train Christian leaders throughout Latin America with the truth of the Bible to help them fulfill their calling. Ted and Juli have faithfully served in Costa Rica for decades educating and training Latin American church leaders and pastors. On June 22, the Outreach Committee is planning for a Men's breakfast with Ted and a women's brunch with Juli. Please email if you'd like to join.
Children's Ministry Update
Quotes from Church History
"We are neither the first nor the smartest to read the Bible."
-Dane Ortlund
"We should not despise the day of small things, because the power of God can still render the feeblest instruments productive of the greatest results."
-John Angell James (1785-1859)
-John Angell James (1785-1859)
Posted in The Epistle